Journal | March 24, 2025
Hardscrabble vineyard has just under 20 acres of vines planted. We have 8 varieties and 30 different blocks. A block is a distinct planting that is defined by variety, age, clone, slope and soil type. Over the years we have found that each block needs to be managed according to its needs. Some blocks may have unique growth habits or planted closer together or different yield goals. Our blocks are named by the year they were planted and the variety.
This week I have been pruning the 02CS (Cabernet Sauvignon planted in 2002). Pruning is an intimate relationship between you and the vines. There is a shared history and there is lots of time to think and reminisce. I remember ordering the vines and laying out the rows. I remember planting day: who was digging the holes and what the soils were like (lots of hard shale). I also remember all the “mistakes” and what we have learned since. The biggest mistake was row direction. This is something that can’t be modified unless we pull out all the vines and replant. The rows are aligned east/west. We now realize that north/south is more efficient in capturing sunlight which in turn gives the wine a higher level of ripeness and concentration.
The 02CS has become a bit of an obsession. It is a great site: south facing, well drained restrictive soils and old vines. But the row orientation is wrong. It is an A+ site with a C- planting. Can we turn around this underperforming block (the wines are good, but never great)? It starts with pruning. I prune this block aggressively, meaning leaving fewer buds and therefore fewer shoots and clusters. The hope is that a smaller crop will ripen faster with more concentration. I’m determined to make this at least a B+.
Linden Vineyards / Learn More / Latest at Linden | Hardscrabble Journal: March 24, 2025