Journal | May 18, 2024

Soggy May, But Vines OK

A damp May happens from time to time. The last one like this was 2018. While we have lost some work time in the vines (although rain gear is now always close at hand), the cooler weather has kept vines from growing excessively. But that will happen this coming week: sun, heat and plenty of soil moisture will keep us busy tying and positioning rapidly growing shoots to the trellis wires.

This constant wet weather has increased mildew pressure. We've had to get in front of disease infections by applying protective fungicide sprays. Once one sees disease it is too late to do anything about it. Fortunately the vines are still a couple of weeks away from flowering. This is the stage at which the clusters are highly susceptible to fungus attacks. If weather conditions are dry we'll be fine, but if it continues wet we will be concerned about mildews, Black Rot, and poor fruit set (less than successful pollination and fertilization leading to lower yields).

In a weird way, accepting that we have no control over the weather makes our job less stressful. We can only plan and react to the hand we are dealt.

Linden Vineyards / Learn More / Latest at Linden | Hardscrabble Journal: May 18, 2024